AmTrust AmCares®
AmCares® offers insureds' injured employees the option for nurse triage as part of their claims process.
- Self-care
- Telemedicine
- Occupational Clinic
- Urgent Care
- Emergency Room
AmCares is seamlessly incorporated into our claims medical management process. Following nurse triage, our predictive nurse assignment model identifies claims that have a high potential to require medical management and an AmTrust nurse may be assigned to the claim for early intervention. Our nurses proactively partner with the injured employee to set claim expectations and provide medical information and support throughout recovery. Our nurses facilitate and coordinate quality and effective care for our injured employees to ensure a medically appropriate return to work.
Nurse Triage Process
- The injury occurs on the job site
- Supervisor and/or employee calls the AmCares Nurse Triage phone number with company name and location
- A Registered Nurse (RN) assesses the injury and identifies level of care needed
- The nurse educates the employee on self-care treatment or if needed, directs the employee to the most appropriate level of care
- An AmCares Injury Report is sent to the predesignated contacts and AmTrust for First Notice of Loss (if a claim needs to be established)
- Service includes triage, FNOL, a follow-up call for self-care, and point of care reports for AmTrust and employer
- Claims resulting in the filing of a First Notice of Loss with AmTrust will incur a medical charge
- One phone call addresses nurse triage and claims reporting