08: Discipline Policy & Procedures

Policy: The discipline maintained at Legacy Christian School is firm, consistent, progressive, fair and tempered with love. The faculty maintains standards of behavior in the classroom through kindness, love, and a genuine regard for their students. However, when disciplinary action becomes necessary, it is firmly carried out with good judgment and understanding. Students are reminded that Jesus expects us to be disciplined in all areas of life.

LCS regards discipline from two aspects, foolishness and rebellion. Rebellion can be defined as resistance to or uprising against authority. Any act of rebellion will be dealt with immediately. The student will be sent directly to an administrator’s office with a discipline form completed by the teacher. Foolishness can be defined as lacking good sense or judgment. It is usually dealt with in the classroom through classroom discipline procedures.

Teachers, and the administration shall speak with or discipline students should they feel it necessary in the classroom or on the school premises whenever conduct has a tendency to degrade or lower the prestige of Legacy Christian School. Teachers shall use professional judgment in each situation. Each teacher is given the liberty of making and enforcing classroom regulations in the manner in which they feel is in accordance with Christian principles, administrative directives, and discipline as set forth in the Scriptures. As a Christian school, LCS must be very much aware of its image as an arm of the Church of Jesus Christ.

Discipline for Foolishness: The following Rules of Discipline are enforced by the teacher and are designed to deter acts of foolishness by the student. Each teacher is given the liberty of making and enforcing classroom regulations in the manner in which they feel is in accordance with Christian principles, administrative directives, and discipline as set forth in the Scriptures.

Rules of Discipline: Students are to:

    1. Be courteous and respectful of others.
      1. Maintain a positive attitude towards self, teachers and fellow students.
      2. Respect the person and property of others.
      3. Behave respectively by keeping hands and feet to oneself.
      1. Behave in a manner which does not disrupt the class or hinder the teacher from teaching or students from learning.
      2. Refrain from excessive talking or playing in the classroom.
      3. Remain seated unless teacher permission has been granted to leave their seat.
      1. Tardiness is unacceptable behavior.
      2. Come to class with required class materials.
      3. Complete on time classroom assignments and homework.
      1. Move quietly in the halls, restrooms and cafeteria (no running).
      2. Treat with respect school property and not damage school facilities.
      1. Respectively obey teachers and school personnel.
      2. Promptly follow directions.
      3. Obey school rules.
      4. Dress according to LCS dress code.

      Consequences of Foolishness: Foolishness is generally dealt with within the classroom through classroom discipline procedures.

      When discipline is administered, consideration will be given to alternative methods to ensure that the most effective discipline is administered in each case. Alternative methods of discipline may include, but are not limited to, the following: (This list does not necessarily reflect an order or sequence of events to follow in disciplinary action.)

      • Conference with the student
      • Conference with the parent/guardian
      • Requirement that student makes financial restitution for damaged property
      • Requirement that student clean items or facilities
      • Restriction of privileges
      • Detention
      • In-School Suspension (ISS)
      • Involvement of civil authorities
      • Out of School Suspension (OSS)
      • Expulsion
      • Other disciplinary action

      Discipline for Rebellion: Any act of rebellion will be dealt with immediately by administration. The student will be sent directly to an administrator’s office with a discipline form completed by the teacher. An administrator shall deal with the situation through spiritual counseling of the student, and shall determine the consequence for the student’s rebellious actions. In some cases the parents of the student may need to be brought in to the discipline process.

      Senior Policy: As the highest ranking grade level, seniors are looked up to and emulated by underclassmen. In order to set a good example for the younger students, administration is asking that all seniors adhere to the following instructions.

      Seniors who have checked out of school but come back on campus in the classroom, lunchroom, or gymnasium areas during school hours are required to abide by the following directions:

      • Be in dress code attire.
      • Sign in downstairs at the reception desk.
      • Have school badge or obtain a visitor’s badge.
      • Keep cell phones and other electronic devices turned off.

      Tattoo Policy: We believe it is important to protect the atmosphere of learning making it conducive to the standards we have set. We desire to limit distractions thereby increasing the ability of our students to learn and comprehend the material presented. We believe tattoos are a distraction for the student body and therefore will not allow enrolled students to obtain a tattoo. We believe this practice can and should be delayed until after graduation, at which time, an older, more mature person will be better equipped to make a permanent decision

      • Existing students and potential new students that already possess tattoos will be subject to an Academy panel review for enrollment.
      • Students who choose to break this policy will go before the School panel for disciplinary action.

      We propose developing a panel of delegates that would assist administration in difficult disciplinary and/or academic actions that need to be taken with students. This panel would investigate and review all previous measures exercised to determine appropriate proceedings that need to be taken in each case presented to them.